Sunday, May 17, 2009

25 weeks since my last post

Does time really fly? Nah, I don't think so. You have no idea how every second feels damn long to me since I moved back to level 2 with the other person I've been working with seated right at my back, practically allowing her to turn her head around looking at what I'm doing every single ticking of the clock.
To date, I'm left with 8 more weeks of working here, or 41 more working days to be more precise. Trust me, it doesn't get any easier towards the end and in fact, I get much more trouble surviving.

These past few weeks I've been doing quite a lot of thinking, and this perplexing idea of my making mistake moving far away from all of my friends in the god damn island has indeed been damn annoying. Again, don't get me wrong, I will never change my attitude towards the Sodom&Gomorrah-in-South-East-Asia. The only thing that I'm gonna miss from this hellish island is clearly my friends, with whom I've shared 5 years of my life with its ups and downs, curses and gratefulness. For once I was standing at this crossroad thinking if I should get going, stay a while longer or even turn to a new direction. But what happened last night really changed everything. Gosh,how could I be that stupid thinking that staying a while longer might not be that bad?

Wondering what happened last night? This is getting arousing, isn't it?

So there were 9 of us brooding over where to have dinner at one of the made-in-singlish-island subway station. One suggested KFC, one was longing for pizza and the rest were just starving. Desperate, we decided to have a bite at a Japanese food stall (damn, it wasn't even a restaurant after all! How lame!). Everything had been going so well until one of us, who can't stand Jap food, bought something from outside the fuckin' Jap stall. One of the staffs then approached her and said that they didn't allow outside food, just like any other stalls in Sodom&Gomorrah. So she insisted on keeping my friend's food at the cashier (WTF?!?), ignoring our telling her that it wouldn't be eaten in their premise. Ma-de-fa-ke!! What were they thinking? Where were we? Jail?!? The police does keep stuffs from visitors in a jail, but a restaurant? What a joke....Well, that was still fine with us though.

As we were about to leave, my friend asked for her food back, accompanied by the other 2 friends of mine. I had no idea what went wrong, yet when they came back to our table, the stall's manager was following them, pointing his hand yelling "We will keep any outside food, that's our policy". Go to hell you son of a bitch! Your policy'd make a lot better sense in there. He even said "Don't talk!" to another one of us (well if he couldn't talk maybe he should just shoot you, fucking moron!!) and added, "Don't fight with us over nothing". Funny huh? Who the hell do you think started the fight? What an ass!

Really troubled by the way they treated us as customers, I finally spoke out, telling them how wrong they had been treating the customers since the very beginning when they asked to keep the 'outside food'....and bammm!!! He started to make no sense in his argument, bringing up nationality. "This is not Indonesia!", he said. Of course moron! If we were in Indonesia, we wouldn't have to argue with you. You would've been dead by then. I really wonder if those singlishmen ever realize how bad their English sounded. They just never learn, do they? This bastard seemed to think that we Indonesian speak English worse than they do, saying "You Indonesian speak broken, barbarian English!" WTF?!? this is funny. Indonesian? Broken English? Look who's talking!!! It took me no longer than a second to reply "What about your stupid Singlish with all those walao mah meh moh?". Really? Those singlishmen of all people?? Telling us how to speak English??

I guess he had no idea how to defense his nation's singlish so he brought up security camera to stop me from going into more details about how disgusting singlish is. Poor you singlishman! I'm very good at despising your language, you really should've let me continue. "People looking at you, camera everyhere" (still singlish-ly, of course). Well, in my defense, "We have nothing to be ashamed of, you son of a bitch! You should be ashamed of yourself for treating customers like this".

Like I have repeatedly said, Singaporeans do need to learn a lot about customer service, although I'm not really sure if they'll ever get better at that. They just suck at it.
Anyway, we finally left, winning of course, after despising the disgraceful singlish in front of a bunch of people who use it daily. I did what I had to do.

Well, since my philosophy of life is that LIFE = Learning Incessantly From Experiences, what did I learn from this? Easy! I learn that most Singaporeans think that they are better than Indonesians (maybe they are the only ones who can understand how that is so) and that singlish might not be the same with broken English (again, LOLZZZ! note the cynicism!!). So friends, do you seriously want to spend the rest of your life here, surrounded by those people who disrespect us deep down in their made-in-sg heart? Don't be such a fool! I clearly don't wanna grow old seeing my children and grandchildren singlishtizing themselves. That said, I'm so leaving this place.