Thursday, July 31, 2008
Best performance on Indonesian Idol Season 5
Tertutup sudah pintu, pintu hatiku
Yang pernah dibuka waktu hanya untukmu
Kini kau pergi dari hidupku
Kuharus relakanmu walau aku tak mau
Berjuta warna pelangi di dalam hati
Sejenak luluh bergeming menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi
Dengarlah matahariku, suara tangisanku
Kubersedih karna panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukkan waktu
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
neurologist (first part)
well guys, that headache came to "visit" me again...oh, that's very sweet of them (headache in German is a plural noun, btw)
yeah, as the title speaks for itself, I finally decided to see a neurologist at NUH which costed me almost....damn it, let's just not talk about it...
To make things short and for the sake of what I will be bitching about in the next paragraph, the specialist only did some basic tests to me. He didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with me, so he only asked me to do an MRI the following day which would cost me a million fortune, as it turned out.
Aside from that, I don't have much to tell from this first appointment with the neurologist, except for this sickening scene at the pharmacy. *now I'm getting excited* So I was there waiting for my neurobion (now I know what's on it...b1 vit. mainly ^^), sitting unexpectedly behind 2 infamous singaporeans talking crap in, of course, singlish. They're so fluent that they'll even win the most-patriotic-singaporean-alive-on-earth trophy I guess *note the cynicism*. The male was not that bad actually, but the female companion was a real turn off. Things got worse when I noticed what she was doing: mpok-atik-ing her face.
Def.: 1. mpok-atik-ing: to emulate, impersonate, trying to be like mpok atik
2. mpok atik: an indonesian actress, around 55 years old, starred in Gerhana, etc.
OK, don't get me wrong, that wasn't intended to say that mpok atik is non-pretty a.k.a ugly, but the singlish version of mpok atik definitely is. Part of their conversation was moronly and accidentally captured on my brain that very afternoon:
F: my doctor...always expensive
M: really a?
[Note: all the dots in the F part are used not because I forget the complete dialogue. For those of you who don't know what singlish is, that sentence should give you a rough idea how a complete sentence in singlish sounds. Btw, you should be really thankful for not knowing what Singlish is.]
So now, do you have any idea of how that scene ruined my entire queueing process (cf. ST3236 Stochatis Process 1)? I felt really disgusted guys, like really...
Well,I just knew that I had to move to another seat, still waiting for my queue number to be called. Just so you know, I waited for like 30 minutes just to get the neurobion. That's how sick it was.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
laporan siang ini
Dengan beberapa pertimbangan, akhirnya hari ini saya memutuskan untuk mengeblog (what the....) dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Disclaimer: Anda tidak akan menemukan singkatan-singkatan dalam bentuk apapun pada postingan kali ini, setidaknya begitulah harapan saya.
Alasan pertama saya memutuskan untuk menulis dengan bahasa Indonesia adalah karena bahasa Indonesia saya sepertinya sudah agak berkarat (emas kali!!) setelah sekian lama tidak dipergunakan di negara berbahasa mayoritas Singlish ini. Alasan kedua adalah demi menjaga privasi blog saya agar manusia2 berbahasa Singlish tadi tidak mengerti isinya.
Tepat pukul 13.11 WSBM (Waktu Singapur Bagian Manapun). Seperti biasa, saya sedang duduk di hadapan komputer tanpa mengerjakan apa-apa. Bosan, seperti halnya yang saya rasakan hampir setiap hari sejak menginjakkan kaki untuk pertama kalinya di kantor ini. Hari ini seharusnya menjadi hari dimana supervisor saya kembali ke mejanya, setelah selama kurang lebih 2 minggu dia "bersenang-senang" keliling Amerika Serikat, alias amrik bagi mereka yang telinganya sudah sedikit merasa asing dengan istilah tersebut.
Demi menjaga kredibilitas saya di mata atasan (, hari ini saya berusaha untuk datang lebih pagi dari kebiasaan saya selama 2 minggu terakhir yang hampir-hampir tidak pernah datang dibawah jam 9.30. Saya sampai kurang lebih jam 09.20, dan *yes*, saya adalah orang pertama yang ada di kantor pagi tadi. Setelah mendapati kenyataan bahwa atasan saya ternyata belum ada di kantor, perasaan menyesal datang "terlalu pagi" pun muncul di benak saya. Jika dia memang masuk kerja hari ini, tentunya dia sudah akan berada di kantor pada jam-jam demikian. Ya, seperti bisa saya duga begitu melihat kursinya yang masih kosong, dia ternyata sedang cuti hari ini. Demikianlah saya kembali, untuk kesekian kalinya, harus duduk di depan komputer ini selama satu hari tanpa ada sesuatu apapun yang bisa dikerjakan.
(nyerah pake bahasa Indo, this article is getting really weird....anyway inti yg perlu dirahasiain juga cuma sampe disitu....smape ketemu lagi di artikel berikutnya, yg most likely bakalan pake inggris lagi)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I've had enough
"Thx God it's getting better" is the first thing that came across my mind when I woke up this morning. Yeah, after days of pain, heavy sensation, giddiness, and all other stuffs people with headache may experience, I'm finally about to recover, hopefully. Up to this point, I still have no idea what might've caused it except for some obscure possibilities like taking shower at midnight (which I've been doing almost everyday for the past couple months), lacking of enough sleep (if you really consider 7h a day not sufficient) or working almost 10h a day in front of a 20' computer without any screen protector. Well, the list can keep on going, but I don't actually care much about it.
This "experience" has taught me a lesson, though. I realize that we sometimes don't appreciate our well being, taking it for granted. When we are completely in good shape, we always think that, well, everything is normal, as what it's supposed to be. We keep getting busy with our lives not having even a single second to thank God that we are, at least, still alive today. It was two days ago that my headache was so bad that I finally prayed to God, asking for His help. *I know someone will definitely laugh at me when he reads this=p*. Cliché, naive, stupid...I know how this might sound to most of you. But at least in this situation, God has awakened me from my spiritual catnap (I supposed) that I'm no longer on my road to perdition.
Well, idk if I would do the same thing again in the future, drowning in all my routines until I realize that they're actually not the most important things in my life. But when that comes, I believe He will again do whatever is necessary to draw me back, closer to Him. Isn't that something?!?
Anyway, I really hope that this headache won't ever come back. Once in a lifetime is certainly more than enough in helping me to understand how it feels to be a Mr. XXXXX. prior to exams haha.
My special credit goes to Andri for his free-consultation (yeah dude, it's really gr8 to have a soon-to-be-a-doctor mate) and Johni for his also-free Neuralgin. =)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
sakit kepala = headache = Kopfschmerzen
So this morning, I did some online search for what I think I've been having: constant headache and here's what I got:
Constant headache is a headache, which generally arises out of tension, from any type of stress, changes in temperature or weather, lack of enough rest, or by eating the types of food to which you are allergic. It is very common in nature and nearly everybody suffers it. This headache causes pain in your head and makes your neck and back muscles tighten. That’s why people are so afraid of constant headache.
What You Need To Know About Constant Headaches
Some of the symptoms of a constant headache include pain and tension in your neck, back and head, as well as emotional fluctuations. Whenever a person has this headache, he loses his temperament very easily and feels exhausted and enervated. If he tries to work with a constant headache, he probably finds difficulty in concentrating and doing his job.
Usually, a tension headache develops more gradually than a migraine headache.
However, a person having constant headache may feel it for weeks or may last for years. Usually he feels pain throughout the entire day without a break. Of course, the intensity of his headache may vary from hour to hour. These headaches usually begin once a person hits middle age. The ailment is more common in women than men.
If you have a constant headache and it is affecting your normal life, then you need to consult doctor. Many a times it is seen that people indulge in self-medication, which is very dangerous. You might take overdose to alleviate your pain and even then, you won’t able to get relief from it. In addition, you should call doctor immediately if your headache begins suddenly with severity and causes you to feel weak, numb or dizzy as well.
Quick relief remedies an ice pack on your head and neck, taking a hot shower, or getting some rest works wonders.
Anyway, I really wonder why it's so difficult to make an appointment with a specialist in Singapore. For God's sake, they only have 4 million people here and most, if not all, of the neurologists are not free until next week? Are most Singaporeans having the same problem with me? Are they just getting too much stress? Or am I?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Der erste deutsche Artikel meines Blogs
Indem ich auf denjenigen Bus zum Büro war, traf ich eine meiner Freunde, die ich länger als zwei Monaten nicht getroffen hatte. Sie sagte, dass wir eine Kontrolluntersuchung machen müssen, um die sg pr zu bekommen (wie doch unbedeutend). So, shließlich kam ich im Büro an, erfuhr davon, dass ich die erste Person war, im Büro zu sein. Diese finde ich sehr unerwartet. Würde ich das weißen, würde ich heute nicht zum Büro kommen.
Na ja, jetzt muss ich doch meine Aufgaben fertig machen, die nichts mit der Arbeit zu tun haben. Ja, der Deutsche Aufsatz, die zwei Hausaufgaben und auch eine vom Spanischkurs, alle muss ich jetzt schaffen, weil ich morgen die Arbeit meines Jobs wieder machen muss, die ich seit den letzten beiden Wochen nicht abhandele.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
These past few months I've been thinking of how time flies really fast. 10 years ago, I was merely a 12-year old boy having no idea of what he'd be 10 years down the road. Today, unbelievably, I'm already 22, working (too bad) as a statistician in sg (even worse). Frankly speaking, I am by no means ready for such a big change. The idea of being a working person would mean a greater responsibility, commitment (??) and passion to love what I'll be doing, things that I definitely can't afford giving at this time point. Oh btw, today marks the 7th week I've been working for the company, sth. totally out of my plan. If things went according to what I had planned earlier, I'd be in the States right now, enjoying the fall and my new status as a graduate student in PSU. As it turned out, however, I am still here *god damn it*, trying to finish one third of my f*****g bond. I feel grateful, though, as I now realize that things couldn't have been better. If I were in the States right now, I'd still have to come back to this place after I get my degree, meeting those singlish-speaking people again after 4 or 5 years. Gosh, it'd definitely be a nightmare.
Ok, enough cogitating. I am actually supposed to see a doctor right now, getting a reference to see an ophthalmologist. Too bad, it's raining cats and dogs out there and I really don't feel like leaving this minuscule cubicle where I "work". But guess what, I still have some "tasks" to complete, finishing my German vocab list, memorizing the whole 7 pages and a lot of other not-so-statistics-related stuffs. So that's it for now and yeah, today's still gonna be fun as *bos gw masih d luar negri*
first post
Back in 2006, I used to have a FS blog, which I didn't use much to do postings though. Today, however, I just got this idea -from nowhere- to create a new blog, and hopefully it won't end up having only 3 posts as the previous one did.
A lot of things have happened in the past couple years. I have grown up realizing that I do really hate the place where I'm at now (haha....), and yet I just got my degree from one of the supposedly-best universities in the city. I have also come to understand that these people around me, being citizen of the island (note that I didn't even use the word "country"), need to think million times before they claim themselves to be English-speaking. Oh well, this is getting out of my plan - my first post would be full of hatred and damnation, if I continued discussing about this=p.
As yesterday, which was just over 37 minutes ago, was not a very colorful day to me, there's really nothing much I have to tell right now. With many more days coming in the next 12 months before I leave this island for good, I'm kinda sure that I'll soon have many things to write (or to bitch about, at least).
For those of you who anticipate reading all of my postings, be ready as you may find yourself a bit verbally-challenged along the way=p. The good news is that it's not your fault. Yeah-some of my postings will not be in English, sondern auf Deutsch, o en Español, atau mungkin dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Rest assured that you are always welcome to write me any comments or suggestions.